Meet the Team

Our Minister - James Martin
‘I love the Lord and am grateful for the walk that I have with him and it is my heart’s desire to lead people into a relationship with the living and loving God that I know. I am passionate about praying with people, with a special interest in healing prayer. My ministry style is open, approachable and friendly, wanting to share the joy and hope of Christian faith. I believe that the Bible is the exciting and wonderful word of God for us to live by today.’
James spent three years training for ministry at Spurgeon’s college, where he spent time as Minister-in-Training in churches in Surrey and Kent. The time spent at these churches has given James valuable experiences which will be source of wisdom for many years. James graduated from Spurgeon’s college in July 2018, having obtained a BA in Theology.
James is in his late-thirties and is married to Lydia, who is a great support to James in life and in ministry life. She is a great maker of cakes, gifted administrator and is passionate about branding and design. They have two children.
The Diaconate
The Deacons, together with the Minister, share responsibility for the spirtual leadership, oversight and administration of the Church. Deacons assist the minister, but also have more general responsibilities for the day-to-day running of church life. Deacons are elected at the Annual Church Meeting and serve for three years.

Church Secretary




Photo Coming Soon
Confessing Christ as Lord and seeking to give Him first place in our lives and life together, in a context of prayer and under the inspiration of the Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Church Members' Meeting is the final decision-making body of the local Church.
Among other things, it is empowered to call ministers, choose deacons and appoint church officers (Secretary and Treasurer) and organisation leaders along with helping affirm the vision and mission of the Church and setting its budget .
There is provision for up to seven deacons - both men and women. Church Meetings now take place at least six times per year with meetings held usually in January, March, May, July, September and November. Our Annual Church Meeting takes place in March.
As an independent church, we are self-financing and therefore we rely on the generous support of our church family and friends to continue our ministry,mission and maintain our Grade 2 Listed buildings.
Our main income is the offering, and we encourage regular worshippers to consider a realistic level of giving.
A collection is taken at each Sunday service, or alternatively, standing orders can be set up. Those who pay tax can increase the value of their gifts to the church substantially through Gift Aid. All giving is confidential.
The church supports its minister, and a minimum of 10% of our unrestricted income is gifted to other charities. Baptist Home Mission and BMS World Mission are our priorities, but we also support other charities nominated by our church members.